Coat - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Coat
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Coat - ορισμός

Coat (Clothing); Coat (clothing); Slip-on coat; 🧥
  • alt=Color photograph of a burgundy-colored, very loose fitting coat that opens down the middle, reaches the wearer's knees and has short loose-sleeves that stop before the elbow. There is a rough appearance to the texture of the cloth.
  • alt=Watercolor painting of a dark-bearded white man in glasses, a hat, and a long, thick, pale-colored coat with a fur collar. The man has his hands in his pockets, and the coat is open, showing indiscriminate clothing of a dark color beneath.
  • alt=Black-and-white fashion plate of two Victorian-era white men each wearing top hats, coats, trousers and black shoes. The man on the left is wearing an open, thick overcoat that reaches to his calves, with loose sleeves that reach his wrists and wide cuffs on the sleeves. The lapel is also broad, covering his shoulders. He is wearing a coat beneath this that reaches his knees that fastens off-center. Beneath that, a pair of checked trousers is visible on the lower-half and upper-half a vest is visible over a white shirt with a tall collar and small bowtie. The man on the right is wearing a buttoned topcoat that reaches his knees where it flares out. His sleeves reach his wrists and the coat is buttoned off-center with two rows of buttons. Beneath this are a pair of dark trousers and a barely visible neckline of a white shirt.

(coats, coating, coated)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A coat is a piece of clothing with long sleeves which you wear over your other clothes when you go outside.
He turned off the television, put on his coat and walked out.
An animal's coat is the fur or hair on its body.
Vitamin B6 is great for improving the condition of dogs' and horses' coats.
N-COUNT: usu with poss
If you coat something with a substance or in a substance, you cover it with a thin layer of the substance.
Coat the fish with seasoned flour.
VERB: V n with/in n
TV pictures showed a dying bird coated with oil...
ADJ: v-link ADJ, ADJ with/in n, adv ADJ
A coat of paint or varnish is a thin layer of it on a surface.
The front door needs a new coat of paint...
N-COUNT: oft N of n
I. n.
Outer garment (of men).
Cover, covering, coating.
Layer, covering layer.
II. v. a.
Cover, spread a covering over, spread.
sleeved outer garment
1) to have a coat on, wear a coat
2) to take off one's coat
3) an all-weather; fur; fur-lined; mink coat; overcoat; raincoat; sheepskin; spring; trench; winter; zip-lined coat
layer of paint
4) to apply, put on a coat (we had to put on a second coat)



A coat typically is an outer garment for the upper body as worn by either gender for warmth or fashion. Coats typically have long sleeves and are open down the front and closing by means of buttons, zippers, hook-and-loop fasteners, toggles, a belt, or a combination of some of these. Other possible features include collars, shoulder straps and hoods.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Coat
1. He had quite a thickish coat like a coat you would wear in winter, padded jacket.
2. "Whether its a gorilla coat, a mink coat or a fox coat, all animals suffer equally at the hands of the fur trade.
3. "The coat is genuine," said Kalmykov, pointing to a heavy, wool coat hung up on the wall of the office.
4. One Warm Coat began in 1''2 as a Thanksgiving Weekend coat drive in San Francisco and has since grown to approximately 1,800 coat drives and more than 450 distribution centers in the 50 states.
5. "Mom," she said, "I really need a coat – a warm one that I don‘t have to worry about." There was only one coat that met the criteria.